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Omslagsbild för The Justice Women
Isbn: 978-14-7387-069-7
Förlag: Pen and Sword
Memoarer & Biografier Samhälle & politik Kulturhistoria True Crime
Tillgänglig sedan: februari 2021


The Justice Women

The first policewomen were established during the Great War, but with no powers of arrest; the first women lawyers did not practise until the early twentieth century, and despite the fact that women worked as matrons in Victorian prisons, there were few professional women working as prison officers until the 1920s. The Justice Women traces the social history of the women working in courts, prisons and police forces up to the 1970s. Their history includes the stories of the first barristers, but also the less well-known figures such as women working in probation and in law courts.

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