E-böcker / 6-9 år
Suomen lasten kummituskirja
Joskus on hauska vähän pelätä. Raili Mikkanen on kerännyt monipuolisen kokoelman helppolukuisia kummitustarinoita nuorten lukijoiden ihokarvojen pörhistämiseksi. Jännittävää lukuna ...
Vilken Smash!
Vilken smash! är den första skönlitterära boken om badminton. Det är även vänskapsbok som berör ämnen som etnicitet, jämställdhet och identitet.- Du, visst har du spelat badminton ...
Ikiliikkuja Timjami
Timjamin elämä ei ole yhtään niin rauhaisaa kuin monella muulla lapsella. Juttu on nimittäin niin, että Timjamin perhe asuu ympäri Suomea. Isä asuu Pohjois-Suomessa, isovanhemmat K ...
Voiko itseään kutittaa? Miksi halaaminen tuntuu hyvältä? Mitä aivoissa tapahtuu kun nukut?Tämä kaikenikäisten tietokirja koukuttaa havainnoillistavin esimerkein ja hauskoin aivopäh ...
Men Sockan då!
Sockan har bott hos Theodor i flera månader nu. Hon är ingen valp längre, nu är hon unghund. Theodor som har sett fram emot långa promenader, äventyr och utflykter tillsammans stöt ...
Ladda kanonerna : Sveriges farligaste pirater
Kanske tror du att sjörövare bara funnits i andra länder, långt borta på andra sidan haven? Sanningen är att det har kryllat av pirater i Sverige. Det här är historien om stulna ...
Ovanliga sporter
Vad drömmer du om att göra? Tycker du att de vanliga sporterna är ja, alldeles för vanliga? Då är det här boken för dig! Ovanliga sporter handlar om personer som vågar sticka ut. I ...
Familjen Knyckertz och damen med fjäderboan
”Böckerna om Familjen Knyckertz handlar om att gå utanför ramen, att tänja på gränserna för det tillåtna, men att även känna var samvetet gnager. Författaren Anders Sparring berätt ...
Ett bröst till tröst
Vi har ett och vi har två. Bröst alltså. De kan vara stora eller små, ibland fyllda med mjölk, muskler eller kuddar. Vet du var gladpunkten sitter, varför några har en tredje bröst ...
Marjorie's Busy Days
The second in the ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series of children’s books, in ‘Marjorie’s Busy Days’ we are reunited with the mischievous young Marjorie. Back at home with her family, Marjor ...
Patty's Motor Car
First published in 1911, ‘Patty’s Motor Car’ is the ninth in the wholesome ‘Patty Fairfield’ children’s series by Carolyn Wells. Patty enters and wins a contest to win a car in whi ...
Patty's Success
Back home in America following her European adventures, in ‘Patty’s Success’ Patty begins to learn a little about the world of work. Patty hears about a talented young artist who w ...
Patty's Suitors
The twelfth in the ‘Patty Fairfield’ series of children’s books by author Carolyn Wells, in ‘Patty’s Suitors’ Patty finds herself thrown together with lots of young men who have be ...
The Gorilla Hunters
Published three years after the hugely popular ‘The Coral Island’, ‘The Gorilla Hunters’ is the sequel to the original tale by author R.M. Ballantyne. We are reunited with the youn ...
The Big Otter
First published in 1887, ‘The Big Otter’ by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne is one of many of his stories which draws on his own experiences of living and working in remote parts o ...
The Battery and the Boiler
Originally published in 1883, ‘The Battery and the Boiler’ by R.M. Ballantyne is a fascinating nautical adventure story. Born aboard a ship in the midst of a powerful storm, and fa ...
Sunk at Sea
First published in 1869, ‘Sunk at Sea’ is the first in a series of stories by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne which feature adventurer Will Osten. Our hero is out at sea when the s ...
Rivers of Ice
Mysterious seafarer Captain Wopper is in London trying to track down Willum Stout - a man he knew many years before when they worked together in the gold mines of California. When ...
Life in the Red Brigade
First published in 1873, ‘Life in the Red Brigade’ by popular author R.M. Ballantyne is an adventure story which follows young firefighter Joe Dashwood and his exploits with the Lo ...
Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman
Young Jeff Benson and his elder brother Jacob are left fatherless when their father dies unexpectedly. The tragic event changes the course of their lives forever – and Jeff sets hi ...
Jarwin and Cuffy
John Jarwin and his faithful dog Cuffy are adrift at sea, half-starved and half-drowned. Though all seems lost, a fateful wind carries the pair to a beach on a desert island, where ...
Hunting the Lions
Dr Tom Brown has always been fascinated by lions. When he receives a letter from his father informing him that a pair of officers of the Cape Rifles and a hunter named Hicks are pl ...
Charlie to the Rescue
Fatherless young Charlie Brooke is a brave and kind character, who is always trying to help others. His mother is struggling to make ends meet, and when Charlie leaves school he mu ...
Blown to Bits
First published just 6 years after the eruption of Krakatoa, ‘Blown to Bits’ by Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne is set against the backdrop of this seismic environmental event. Nig ...
Marjorie's Three Gifts
"It can't be summer always, dear, but we can make fair weather for ourselves if we try."From the author of ‘Little Women’, this short story follows 12-year-old Marjorie who dreams ...