E-böcker / Filosofi
Plato’s Phaedo
Socrates is in prison, sentenced to die when the sun sets. In this final conversation, he asks what will become of him once he drinks the poison prescribed for his execution. Socra ...
Plato’s Phaedrus
Plato’s dialogues frequently cover several topics and show their connection to each other. The "Phaedrus" is a model of that skill because of its seamless progression from examples ...
Plato’s Meno
A dialogue between Socrates and Meno probes the subject of ethics. Can goodness be taught? If it can, then we should be able to find teachers capable of instructing others about wh ...
Plato’s Laches
Laches, a general in the Athenian army, saw Socrates fight bravely in the battle of Delium. When he and Nicias, another general, are asked to explain the idea of courage, they are ...
Plato’s Ion
Socrates questions Ion, an actor who just won a major prize, about his ability to interpret the epic poetry of Homer. How does an actor, a poet, or any other artist create? Is it b ...
Plato’s Gorgias
Gorgias of Leontini, a famous teacher of rhetoric, has come to Athens to recruit students, promising to teach them how to become leaders in politics and business. A group has gathe ...
Plato’s Euthyphro
In Euthyphro, Socrates is on his way to the court where he must defend himself against serious charges brought by religious and political authorities. On the way, he meets Euthyphr ...
Plato’s Crito
After Socrates is sentenced to death by the Athenian court, his friend Crito comes to the prison to help him escape and go to another country. Socrates responds by saying that he w ...
Plato’s Apology
Socrates is on trial for his life. He is charged with impiety and corrupting young people. He presents his own defense, explaining why he has devoted his life to challenging the mo ...
Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy: From the Spirit of Music
"The Birth of Tragedy" stands alongside Aristotle’s "Poetics" as essential works for all who seek to understand poetry and its relationship to human life. In this, his first book, ...
Mill’s On Liberty
John Stuart Mill’s "On Liberty" was first published in 1859. In the 21st century this text confirms Socrates’ claim that “it is only the life of true philosophy that scorns the lif ...
Kant’s Foundations of Ethics
These works articulate the most fundamental principles of Kant’s ethical and political world-view. “What is Enlightenment?” (1784) and "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of ...
Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion had not yet been published when he died in 1776. Even though the manuscript was mostly written during the 1750s, it did not appea ...
Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy
René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his "Meditations on First Philosophy" can be found in the medieval period that had alr ...
Berkeley’s Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
Berkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in "Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous" to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are between ...
An Introduction to Metaphysics
The basic principles that Bergson articulates, especially his way of thinking about reality as a dynamic process and his view of human beings as creative and evolving, should be he ...
Aristotle’s Poetics
Aristotle's Poetics is best known for its definition and analysis of tragedy and comedy, but it also applies to truth and beauty as they are manifested in the other arts. In our ag ...
Anderson’s Reality and the Arts
Art is the creative manifestation of essences. In order to understand the relation between art and reality, we need a philosophical guide. The best way to comprehend how the creati ...
John Stuart Millin klassinen tutkielma selvittää ihmisen ja yhteiskunnan välisen vastuun ja vapauden rajoja. Missä alkaa yhteiskunnan valta? Kuinka suuren osan elämästään yksilön o ...
Ateenan kulttuurieliitti järjestää monipäiväiset pidot, joihin osallistuu taiteilijoita, poliitikkoja ja ajattelijoita – mukaan lukien antiikin Kreikan tunnetuin filosofi Sokrates. ...
Med över två miljarder anhängare är kristendomen världens största religion och dess heliga skrift, bibeln, världens mest inflytelserika bok. Det innebär att även de som inte delar ...
Jean-Jacques Rousseaun kirja Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta on poliittisen filosofian perusteoksia. Teoksessaan Rousseau arvostelee uskontoa ja esittää oman näkemyksensä oikeudenmukaisen ...
Filosofiset mietelmät
Vuonna 1561 syntynyt Sir Francis Bacon oli filosofi, kirjailija ja valtiomies, joka vaikutti merkittävällä tavalla valistusaatteen ja tieteenfilosofian kehitykseen. Tässä klassises ...
The Four Pillars of Humanity
some consider, that when we die, there will be nothing. but if we are born from nothingness, will nothingness, not lead us back to where we started. if we are to become what we onc ...
Tid för tillit och trygghet
I drygt två decennier har Bodil Jönsson satt ord på och resonerat kring vår upplevelse av tid, och då framför allt vår känsla av att den inte räcker till. Hur vi ständigt är stress ...