E-böcker / Noveller
Kevät ilman kosketusta
Kevät jona kosketuksen korvasi mielikuvitus Kevät ilman kosketusta on yllättävä, moniääninen ja sensuelli novellikokoelma. Aiemmin säännöllisesti kirjoituskurssilla kokoontunut ry ...
The Court Cards
This this story, a little boy named William has a castle so large that it takes up a whole table top! The castle is painted so that it seemed to be built out of red brick and it ha ...
Moving Day
I had already made two surprise visits to my friend Ole, who looked after the tower. I usually went to see him around New Year, but this time, when I went to see him for the third ...
God Can Never Die
'Out under God's blue heaven, where fields and meadows were covered with greens and flowers, all the little birds rejoiced. While joy and contentment were everywhere outside, in th ...
'Folks Say -'
'Folks often say one thing and mean another. Folks say so much that means so little.' Discover this less-known story by the beloved Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen ...
Danish Popular Legends
'Denmark is rich in old legends of heroes, of churches and manor houses, of hills and fields, and of the bottomless moorland. These stories date from the days of the great plague, ...
All the birds of the forest long for a new, good journal - a critical newspaper such as humans have so many of! The songbirds want an impartial music critic... Discover this less k ...
A String of Pearls
In Denmark, the railway is a string of pearls. In Europe, the pearls of this necklace are Paris, London, Vienna and Naples. Here, we see six pearls of the Danish railway and quickl ...
Äiti ja tytär asustavat metsän siimeksessä sukulaisten luona. Mattojen pesua, uimista, hyttysiä - ja kaiken keskellä joki. Tyttö muistaa tuon joen aina, silloinkin kun äiti myöhemm ...
Kuvia työväen kaupungista
Köyhät kämppäkaverit, joiden elämää mutkistavat miehet ja rakkaussuhteet – sekä yhteiskunnan epätasa-arvoisuus.Nuori, viehättävä nainen, jonka elämästä ei vaikuta puuttuvan ensisil ...
Näen ikkunastani pihamaalle
Helsinkiläinen talo on täynnä suuria persoonallisuuksia. On talonmies, joka on keksinyt erikoisen hautomakoneen – koneen, jonka avulla kananmunista voi saada joko kanoja tai kukkoj ...
Kaksi husaaria
Kun nuori husaari saapuu erääseen kaupunkiin, hän jättää jälkeensä pelkkää tuhoa. Komea ja viehättävä mies pelaa uhkapelejä ja viettelee nuoren lesken. Miellyttäväkäytöksinen mies ...
Bortom sol och måne
"Bortom sol och måne" är en samling sagor som utspelar sig i olika indiska regioner. I "Sagan om lärjungen" får man följa en ung gosse som från tidig ålder tjänstgör åt en brahman ...
Farlig semester
Det gifta paret Kerstin och Kalle åker på semester till Indien, men till allas stora förvåning kommer de aldrig tillbaka hem till Sverige. De var helt enkelt spårlöst försvunna och ...
Mord till kaffet. Fem kusliga kriminalnoveller
Vad sägs om ett mord till kaffet? Här finns fem stycken munsbitar med deckargåtor i Göteborgsmiljö lagom för små pauser i vardagen. I Peter GissysMord till kaffet – fem kusliga kri ...
The Butterfly
The butterfly had decided to marry, so he went off in search of the prettiest flower. He first asked a daisy for advice, but quickly understood that he must make his choice alone, ...
Children’s Prattle
One day, a great meeting of noble children was held in the merchant’s house. Two little girls boasted about the fame and wealth of their parents. A poor boy, was peaking in through ...
Two Brothers
Two brothers lived on a small Danish island in a small house with a red-tiled roof. They were very different from one another and probably still knew little about what the future h ...
A Story from the Sand Dunes
This story comes to us from the dunes of Jylland in Denmark, but it begins in Spain, where a young couple were blissfully happy. The only thing missing to make their happiness comp ...
Ole, the Tower-Keeper
My friend Ole was an intelligent curious man with a great deal of knowledge. He had never obtained what he wanted from Men so he retired and lived as a hermit, alone at the top of ...
The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His Daughters
The wind blows everywhere, pushing the clouds, slipping through the cracks in the walls and so sees lots of things we cannot see. This is why it knows so many stories: here, it tel ...
The Stone of the Wise Man
Far away, towards the Far East, the sun tree could be found, a huge tree, bigger than any tree imaginable. A whole palace was perched in its highest branches and the inhabitant of ...
Soup on a Sausage Peg
During the mouse king’s feast, many dishes were served one after the other. There were so many that one might have thought two meals were being served! At the end of this orgy, the ...
The Marsh King’s Daughter
From generation to generation, storks have been telling and handing down stories. Two are heard more often than the others: the first is that of Moses, which a lot of us know, but ...
The Jewish Girl
Sara was the only Jewish child at her Catholic school. She was also the most intelligent. In religious lessons, she could not listen to the teacher: her mother’s last wish was that ...